
About Us

We help organizations create online success.

Message-Driven Design

We take the time to learn about your design needs AND your company – your successes, challenges, goals and audience. Whether you need a new website or help marketing your current one, we believe that communicating your brand and value to the customer is the top priority. Therefore, we create quality designs and execute high-level marketing strategies driven by your content and your messaging.

Our Approach

Our approach to creating websites is a little different than the traditional web design process. Alt Creative practices what we call the “design-in-development” process of web design. This means we integrate the design and coding processes so that global design elements and design changes can happen in the development environment.

Instead of creating a pixel-perfect image mockup of what we want the site to look like and then slicing it into HTML/CSS code (i.e. the traditional way), we plan for the design by creating wireframes of the layout and then designing all of the elements during the development phase. This way, the “mockup” of the site is actually a fully-functional version of the design setup in a development environment for the client to see. We find this helps facilitate an agile design process and efficient development timeline.

Make no mistake, though. We definitely plan for the design before the development process occurs so we can make sure that the site we are creating drives the marketing message and reflects the client’s brand and story.

Our priority is to deliver:

Attractive Design

We create high-quality designs driven by content that will make an impression on your customers.

Fully Manageable Sites

We build on WordPress, the best content management platform available today, which ensures your site can be easily edited and maintained.

Friendly Customer Service

Customer experience is important to us to create a reliable, long-term relationship with our customers.

How we are different

When trying to find design or development services for your small business, there seem to only be two solutions: the large (expensive) agency or the solo (overworked) freelancer. Alt Creative gives you the best of both worlds through our unique workflow.

Most large agencies are expensive because they employ full-time talent. That’s why freelancers tend to be so affordable – because they have very little overhead. Unfortunately, one person can only do so much, which often leads to missed timelines and costly mistakes.

At Alt Creative, we only have one full-time employee, our owner and Project Manager, who manages our team of freelancers and experts while proving excellent customer service and timely, reliable communication with our clients. We have the resources to complete tasks far more quickly than your typical project manager led agencies because our in-house project manager also has the expertise of being an experienced web designer/developer.

Our Team

Lindsey Tyner

Lindsey Tyner

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Vanesa Anaya-Aldana

Vanesa Anaya-Aldana

Maintenance Specialist & Web Developer
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